LESSON 1 | Introduction to the 12 Bar Blues |
LESSON 2 | 007 Theme Intro |
LESSON 3 | Major Scale - 2 octaves |
LESSON 4 | Bass Strum - Molly Malone |
LESSON 5 | 12 Bar Blues Shuffle |
LESSON 6 | 12 Bar Shuffle Variation |
LESSON 7 | B minor chord |
LESSON 8 | Introduction to Travis Picking |
LESSON 9 | Freight Train Part 1 - simple Travis Picking arrangement |
LESSON 10 | Freight Train Part 2 |
LESSON 11 | The Minor Scale |
LESSON 12 | The Minor Scale - 2 octaves |
LESSON 13 | G to C chord transition |
LESSON 14 | C to D Chord Transitions |
LESSON 15 | Spice up you Chord Changes G, C, D |
LESSON 16 | Playing Hammer-ons |
LESSON 17 | Playing Pull-offs |
LESSON 18 | Playing Slides |
LESSON 19 | Wildwood Flower |
LESSON 20 | Guitar Boogie |